Potensi Peningkatan Laba Perusahaan Peternakan Ayam Petelur

Syamsinar Syamsinar


The objective of this research is to produce several alternative methods of eggs production cost efficiency. Analysis method used were: ratio comparison method of poultry feed, EOQ,  and contribution margin calculation. The result of the study shows that by changing the ratio of poultry feed, implementing EOQ method in controlling inventory, and using sunlight for lighting the cage ar able to decrease the eggs production cost. By using those methods, cost of poultry feed decrease 3,5 to 23% perday, cost of inventory decrease 50%, and light decrease 55 to 60% permounth percoop.


Cost efficiency, farmers, producing eggs, feeding

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.31963/infak.v3i1.172


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