Sistem Penguncian Cerdas Pada Pintu Berbasis Face Recognition

Muhammad Arafah, Akbar Iskandar, Tatik Maslihatin, Ramlah Ramlah, Abdur Rahim


The aims of the study were to design and implement a face recognition-based on the door locking system by using a template matching algorithm to recognize faces. The data was obtained through library research. The method used in facial recognition based on intelligent locking systems is an experimental method to produce a product and the effective test of locking doors to make it safer. The results of the study indicate that the intelligent door locking system which is implemented in a miniature door prototype results in facial matching testing for 10 people, which consist of 8 men and 2 women. In the testing stage, 5 face images registered in the database were used by getting a system accuracy of 92%, and images that did not match the database got an accuracy of 96%.


Door Security, Smart Locking, Face Recognition, Template Matching

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