Barlian Hasan, Firman Firman, Hasbiya Nurul K, Annisaa R.H


Carrageenan is a seaweed sap extracted from red algae usually using alkaline solvents at high temperatures. In
this study, the utilization of ultrasonic waves will be studied to accelerate the dissolution process of carrageenan in
solvents at low temperatures. Research Objectives 1. Study the effect of temperature and time on yield, and 2. study the
effect of extraction time on quality, 3 compare the quality of carrageenan extracted with standard carrageenan quality.
Carrageenan extraction with the help of ultrasonic waves was carried out at temperatures of 30 and 40 oC, pH 8.5-9,
wave frequency of 40 kHz, ratio of weight of seaweed with solvent 1:30, and time of extraction varied. The extract was
filtered with a 150 mesh filter cloth and the filtrate was mixed with iso propanol with a volume ratio of 1: 2 to precipitate
carrageenan. Then dried for 10 hours at 60 oC and weighed to determine the yield. Carrageenan extraction results are
tested for quality including water content, ash content, viscosity, and gel strength. The highest carrageenan yield was
31.25% at 40 minutes and 40 oC. The greater the temperature and extraction time, the greater the yield Carrageenan
moisture content is higher with increasing time and constant to increase in temperature, ash content tends to be constant
with increasing temperature and time, viscosity decreases with increasing time and temperature, and the strength of the
gel tends to increase with the increase of time and temperature. Carrageenan quality test results show that the strength of
the gel has met commercial standards, viscosity has met FCC and FAO standards for all treatments. Ash content only
meets FCC standards, while moisture content meets all standards.

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