Marhatang Marhatang, Muhammad Yusuf Yunus, Andareas Pangkung, Muhammad Ruswandi Djalal


In load monitoring testing using Simulink on DC loads, an error was obtained between the measurement results and the
various theories. The smallest error obtained is equal to 0.088737464% in the 15 Ohm shear resistance test, while the
biggest error is -22.68571337% is found in the monitoring of 30 Ohm sliding resistance load. In the AC load monitoring
test using Simulink, an error was obtained between the results of Simulink measurements with conventional
measurements using an ampere meter and an analog voltmeter. The smallest current measurement error is 3.433806453%
on the measurement of the lamp load current and the largest is 17.30705898% on the measurement of the fan load
current. While the smallest voltage measurement error is 0.164816128% on the measurement of the iron load voltage and
the largest is 0.928443504% on the fan load measurement. The measurement values of both current and voltage sensors
show varying measurements, this is due to the current sensor in dc load, the current obtained tends to be more stable, but
for loads with small currents the sensitivity level of the readings decreases. Whereas in the reverse AC load, the accuracy
of the current sensor is not stable because the reading source is alternating current, but for large loads, the sensitivity
level of the current readings improves.

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