Fahirah F, Muhammad Kasan, Asri Nur Rahman


The availability of infrastructure provides easy access for the community to resources so as to improve
efficiency and productivity in social and economic activities. Road infrastructure must be equipped with complementary
buildings because complementary buildings and road equipment facilities are the primary needs of a road that will be
operated. Without the existence of road equipment, existing or newly constructed roads do not include safe roads. The
purpose of this study was to determine the condition and handling of road complementary buildings in Sigi Regency
which refers to the applicable standards. Data collection is sourced from primary data and secondary data. Primary data is
obtained by identifying visually the condition of complementary buildings through a survey to the research location.
Secondary data is obtained from relevant agencies that support primary data. Data collection results are processed
descriptively and presented in the form of diagrams. The results showed that the condition of the complementary
buildings in the form of bridges and culverts were obtained in the range 0-1, which means the condition of road
complementary buildings was 94% of the total complementary buildings, included in the categoriy Very Good-Good,
the handling program is routine maintenance. While 6% of the total complementary buildings entered on condition 2,
which means in moderate condition, the handling program is periodic maintenance.

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