Imasita Imasita, Andi Gunawan, Hirman Hirman


The problem faced by the lecturer of Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang (State Polytechnic of Ujung Pandang) is the document management system or the file of lecturer performance. Lecturer performance report is made by the lecturer every year. To make the lecturer performance report, it is needed some documents such as educational background documents, research documents, community dedication documents, and any others supporting documents. These documents are still managed conventionally or manually. As a consequence, lecturers sometimes face some difficulties in finding their documents or files so that they will be late in making/arranging their performance report. Based on the problem above, it is done a research to create performance report file storage based Web at Politeknik Negeri Ujung Pandang (State Polytechnic of Ujung Pandang). The research method used is waterfall method. The activity done are based on need analysis of system plan, program by using Wamp server and testing system by black box test. The result of that file/document storage make easier to find the file/document fast and right. Searching file/documents is done based number of decree (SK), date of decree (SK), the content of decree (SK), and others. File or documents can be found online or offline and this program also provide print menu to print and download the documents/files needed.

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