
  • Rastina Rastina
  • Dedy Abidin


This study aims at social factors in the form of perceptual justice, motivational in the form of commitment, cognitive inthe form of Job Relevant Information and job satisfaction influence the performance of managers in participativebudgeting so that later research is used to test the integrative model in budget participation on managerial performance.This study was conducted with a sample of both managers of service companies and manufacturing companies in thecity of Makassar Research procedures that have been done is data retrieval and the process of descriptive data and hasnot done though the data. The data show that the questionnaire used has met the valid and reliable data quality. Theresults of regression analysis of this study indicate that budget participation affects commitment to objectives anddistributive justice. Budgetary participation is also able to positively and significantly affect Job Relevant Information(JRI). In addition, budget participation is also able to significantly influence job satisfaction and work commitment.


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