Paramudia Paramudia, Farida Amansyah, Harbani Pasolong


The goal of Business English subject taught in the Ujung Pandang State Polytechnic (PNUP) is to equip its graduates
with oral English communication (OEC) skills needed in industries. In order to achieve this, it needs a syllabus that
matches current needs of graduates when working in the industries. The study addresses three aims: a). To identify the
English language skills are needed by business English graduates to perform their work in the export-import work
environment, b). To identify the mismatch (lack) between OEC skills the graduates have and the skills which are
required in the workplace, c). To identify the factors causing the mismatches. This study employed a qualitative
approach design. The participants of the study were two employees from an export –import agroindustry in Makassar,
two graduates of Diploma 4 and two of Diploma 3 from the PNUP in Maksassar City, Indonesia. Purposive sampling
technique was used to select the participants of the interviewee participants. Descriptive analysis was used to calculate
the quantitative data and thematic analysis was used to analyze and interpret the qualitative data. It was found that there
were 6 types English language skills which are mostly required in the workplace (necessity). The graduates’ ability of
using the six skills was considered mismatches (lack). The study also revealed three impactful factors causing the
mismatches. First, lack of preparation of specific vocabularies from the prerequisite subjects. Secondly, lack of time to
practice speaking outside the classroom environment. Finally, lack of knowledge toward the topics discussed. Findings
have practical implication improving the pre-requisite, business English syllabi content and school environment .

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