The digital era is a marketing activity by using digital technology to achieve, change, lead to the customer and maintainit. Its main purpose is to promote the brand, build preference and increase sales through various digital marketing. Thedigital era goes hand in hand with technological developments, making it more choice in choosing a marketing channel.Also in line with changes in consumer behavior. One that marks the development of the digital era is the emergence ofonline marketing, where the marketing of this model complements existing conventional marketing, like face to faceinteraction between producers and consumers no needed again to reach agreement. In specially products or services,more producers are complementing their marketing with online media. Especially is a creative business that held byyoung people, because they are more aware and understand with this media, like facebook, twitter, instagram, and othersin marketing products or services. This research is a survey research, with the key persons are a student Department ofBusiness Administration Politeknik State of Malang who have creative business by using social media. There arevarious products or services with several company names. Like IceAh, Sabilahijab, Bakso Bakar Mami, GedangGantheng, and many more. This research provides an overview of what is the basis of media selection, strategy, segmentselection, strengths and weaknesses, and what failure has been experienced in running a business. This research is tobecome a reference for next businesman, especially young people in online marketing. So that the future can take a goodexample and complete it into a more powerful strategy.References
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