Mastang Mastang, Akhmad Akhmad


This study aimed to describe the writing and content coverage of each section of research articles on the proceedings of
research results in 2016. In the study data collection washeld by documentation study, which is, reading/reviewing the
content coverage of each section of the research results published in the proceedings of UPPM PNUP 2016. The
technique used was the recording technique. The data that have been collected and processed/reduced were analyzed
using descriptive-prescriptive analysis technique. The results showed that in general the writing of research results in the
proceedings of 2016 research was of semi-report style. In addition, the writing of the abstract covearge of the research
results was not completely correct, based on the content of the abstracts, especially those related to the research
objectives. In the introduction parts of the research articles, the presentations of backgrounds and problem
statementswere generally correct, but only a few of the research objectives werestated correctly; even almost 50% of the
articles had no research purpose statements in the section. In addition, the literature reviewsof the articles in the
proceedings were mostly presented in the style of research reports writing. In the discussion section not all articles
presented interpretation. In fact, nearly 50% of the articles had no interpretation, only presented research results.In terms
of integration/reinforcement, almost all articles were not reinforced by theories, findings, or opinions; they contained
only the researchers’ individual opinions/statements.

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