Hendra Gunawan


One of the most important things in the management of regional assets or wealth is the existence of institutions that are
able to manage the regional assets properly and in accordance with applicable regulations. The role of institutions and
human resources greatly affect the quality management of assets or property owned by the region because no matter
how good the system is available if not supported by good institutional and human resource quality, the management of
assets or property of the region will not run properly. Conditions of organizational governance applied by the
Government of Makassar City in relation to the implementation of Asset Manager performance assessment has not
shown synergy that supports the improvement of asset management. The facts show that due to poor organizational
governance in the field of asset management causes the performance of asset management realization is not in
accordance with the expected target. Problems that arise regarding the administration of local assets, one of them is
because not yet apply the guidance of good governance or good governance in presenting information and data about
asset. Of course, the governance adopted by the Government of Makassar City should be based on the actualization of
good governance principles or sound organizational governance to improve the performance of local government asset
management. This study aims to analyze the effect of organizational commitment, competence, and good governance on
the quality of asset management. This study uses primary and secondary data. The sampling technique used is simple
random sampling on the employees in the Finance and Asset Management Board of Makassar City and 52 SKPD
(consisting of Agency, Agency, Regional Hospital and District). The number of samples in this study is 125 employees.
Data analysis used is descriptive statistical analysis and inferential statistics Structural Equation Modeling (SEM).

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