The problem of water supply is one of the priorities in improving the health status of the community. One form of waterproblem is the frequency of water containing iron content (Fe) that does not meet the standards set by PermenkesNumber 32 Year 2017 as Standard of Environmental Health Quality Standard and Water Health Requirements forSanitation Hygiene, Swimming Pool, Solus Per Aqua and The General Baths, that the maximum level of iron (Fe) forclean water is 1.0 mg / L. The aim of this research is to know the ability of charcoal shell with variation of thickness 40cm, 60 cm, 80 cm with contact time 45 minutes to decrease iron content (Fe) in dug well water. This experimentalresearch type, which is to see the ability of charcoal shell charcoal to reduce the iron (Fe) in the well water dug in JalanRappocini Raya Lr.11 No.20 RT 001 RW V Kel.Buakana Kec. Rappocini Makassar City. From research conductedusing charcoal charcoal media screen with 40 cm thickness decrease until 1,41 mg / L or equal to 42,47%, withthickness 60 cm decrease until 0,92 mg / L or equal to 62,39% and thickness 80 cm decreased to 0.46 mg / L or 81.29%.From the results of this study can be concluded that, with iron content (Fe) 2.46 mg / L by using charcoal shell charcoalmedia with variation of thickness 60 cm, 80 cm more effective decrease in iron content (Fe) in dug well water and inaccordance with Permenkes Number 32 of 2017 as Standard of Environmental Health Quality Standard and WaterHealth Requirements for Sanitation Hygiene, Swimming Pool, Solus Per Aqua and Public Baths: that the maximumlevel of iron (Fe) for clean water is 1.0 mg / L.References
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