Palm wine is widely spread among the society because of the affordable price, as the result its presence causesa lot of problems in the life of the society, which is the occurrence of various type of violent crime. The previousresearch manage to succeed in separating ethanol from palm wine by fractionation distillation where the highest level ofalcohol produced is 82%. The purpose of this research is to find out the effect of palm wine alcohol concentration to theneeds of fuel (amount of fuel used), heat value, burning efficiency produced, and to determine the optimal ethanolconcentration of palm wine to be used as households fuel with kerosene as comparison. The benefit of this research isthe society can utilize ethanol from palm wine for daily needs of fuel that environmentally friendly. The research stepsto be done are: Producing ethanol from palm wine by fractionation distillation based on the optimal variable from theprevious research, the ethanol obtained are made in several concentration which are 70, 75, 80, and 82%, and test oneach ethanol concentration. The research result shows that the optimal ethanol concentration is 82% with test result thatconsist of: amount of fuel used is 0,2kg/hr (kerosene 0.06 kg/hr), heat value 6744,9806 cal/g (kerosene 13130,3509cal/g), burning efficiency 0,1534 (kerosene 0,0605). The optimal result obtained is still considered far when compaReferences
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