Suryanto Suryanto, Remigius Tandioga


The present study aims to redesign and test a prototype of a continuous cocoa bean dryer that incorporates the type of
tray dryer and screw dryer in a drying system. Redesign is aimed to improve the performance of drying machines in
terms of product quality that meets Indonesia National Standard (SNI) specifications for export requirements of cocoa
beans. The research includes design modification and experimental test of the continuous dryer machine. Modifications
have been carried out primarily to motor drive types with additional rotary controls, hot gas conduits, thermal insulators,
and screw shafts. The capacity of the engine product produces an average of 60 kg/ hour. The parameters monitored and
controlled are the temperature of the hot gas, the temperature of the dryer room medium, the motor shaft rotation, the
rotation of the screw shaft, the mass flow rate of the cocoa beans and the moisture content. The experimental tests show
that machine capacity can be increased up to (72 kg/hr), the percentage of broken cocoa beans on average 8% (50%
before redesigned), the percentage of decreasing water content of 10.9% (average 4% before redesigned), and cocoa
beans moisture content yield level 7% can be achieved in 4 cycles (9 % before redesigned). In addition, energy usage
efficiency increases from 20% (before) to 42.3% (after redesigned).

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