Tri Agus Susanto, Dermawan Dermawan


Indonesia is the world's corn granary and ranks 8th with 2.06% contribution to world corn production. In an effort to
grow agro industry and corn agribusiness for feed industry and other industries, snacking activity is one of the most
critical links. This is reflected in the high level of corn loss at farmers' level at 4% of poultry and total corn losses at
farmer level of 5.2%. To shoot corn in large capacity required a machine with great power. Various kinds of corn sheller
machine have been circulating and the price is relatively expensive. So it takes an innovation in developing a machine
capable of shipping corn with a large capacity and use a relatively small propulsion. In general, this research aims to
produce prototype of corn sheller machine that can be implemented in farmer groups in rural area with high capacity and
reasonable price. While the specific goal to be achieved is to separate the corn kernels from the cob without destroying
the tuna and to increase the capacity of corn poultry. From the design and testing of corn shrinking machine scale
household industry, it can be concluded: 1). It has obtained prototype of corn sheller machine with specification:
Dimension of machine 40 x 60 x 50 cm, Engine Round 1450 rpm, Motor drive 220Vx0,755Hp, 1450 rpm, 2).
Production capacity of corn shooter machine made is 231 Kg / Jam on corn with diameter 45 mm, and 3). The quality of
corn seeds that have been dipipil very good because not seen corn broken and destroyed and is in accordance with
Indonesian National Standard SNI 01-4483-1998 about corn as feed raw material where the grains of corn are broken
maximum 5% . The results of this study is recommended for followed up on community service activities so that the
user community (corn farmers) can improve the results pemipilannya using corn sheller machine that has been designed
to build.

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