The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of road supervisors performance on the effectiveness of roadimprovement implementation in North Morowali District. The research method used by distributing questionnairesaddressed to the People's Leadership Council, Regional Planning Board, Inspectorate, Public Works Department andHousing, Office of Transportation and Spatial Planning, Consultant, Stakeholder as user and appraiser of roadimprovement work, all of the collected questionnaires were analyzed statistically using Structural Equation Model(SEM) analysis. Data analysis technique used is statistical analysis technique with multivariate statistic model which is acombination between factor analysis and correlation regression analysis, which aims to test the relationships amongvariables that exist in a model, be it inter-indicator with the construct, or relationship between constructs. The resultsshowed that there is a strong influence between the performance of road supervisors on the effectiveness of theimplementation of road construction in North Morowali District.References
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