Martha Manganta, Mardiana Amir B


This research aims to determine the effect of maximum grain size on high quality concrete compressive
strength (F'C 40 MPa) and the benefits of this study, to produce high quality economical concrete. Large aggregate
usage requires less cement than the smaller maximum grain size. This research uses 40 MPa quality concrete, to
determine the effect of maximum grain size on the quality of concrete is done by making the cylinders 15 pieces each
for maximum grain size 10 mm, maximum grain size 20 mm and maximum size 40 mm, for all variations using the
same weight of cement. The result showed that the strength of the maximum 10 mm size was obtained by 37 MPa, the
maximum size of 20 mm was obtained 41 MPa, and the maximum size of 40 mm was obtained 49 MPa, it showed that
the largerof the aggregate size, the compressive strength is increasing forthe same amount of cement.

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