Hb. Slamet Yulistiono Hb. Slamet Yulistiono, Swastanti Brotowati Swastanti Brotowati


This study aims to improve the quality of brine salt produced by salt farmers into salt with SNI equivalent
quality of industrial salt. The salt purification process begins with a coarse salt solubilization until saturated at 80 °C,
followed by filtration. This saturated salt solution is then subsequently reacted with Na2CO3 and NaOH at 80 °C for 15
minutes and followed by decantation and filtration. The filtrate part is then reacted with soap from coconut oil and
followed by decantation and filtration. The obtained filtrate was then reacted with concentrated HCl and the formed salt
crystals were removed by filtration, dried by vacuum oven and finally analyzed using XRF and titration of argentometry.
The results showed that the coarse salt which initially had a large, rough and opaque white crystalline form with low
NaCl content can be purified by the above processes into salt with a small, soft and clean white crystalline form with a
NaCl content in accordance with the SNI about industrial salt.

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