Rahmiah Sjafruddin, Abdul Azis


Waste liquid of Sugar industry has characteristics of having high organic ingredients. This is indicated by
the value of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) around ± 7,000 - 10,000 mg /L, TDS ± 1000 - 2.000 mg /L. The aim of
this study is to determine the influence of substrate composition (liquid waste of sugar factory, LG) with starter / cow
dung (TASI) with composition 50%: 50%; 60%: 40%; 70%: 30%, optimum time of the fermentation process and slurry
parameters of COD, VFA, in biodigester to biogas production with good methane gas (flame test). The experiment
results show that the production of biogas in the composition of liquid wastes of the sugar factory (LG: TASI) of 50%:
50%, 60%: 40%, and 70%: 30% can produce flame from day-10th to day-14th and a blue flame at a 50%: 50%
composition on the day-28th (twenty eighth day), at a composition of 60%: 40% at day-24th (twenty fourth day) and at a
composition of 70%: 30% on day-21th, so the optimum time for biogas production on LG composition: TASI) 50%:
50%, 60%: 40%, and 70%: 30% are in the day of 28th, 24th, 21st with biogas product with blue color flame the (which
indicates high levels of methane gas), and the COD slury parameters, VFA in biodigester provide good conditions for
biogas production with blue flame (methane gas).

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