Rahmawati Rahmawati, Alfian Noor, Maming Maming, Muhammad Zakir


Biosolar is one of bio-fuels derived from biomass, especially from plants (vegetable material). Biosolar is sold
on the market consisting of a mixture of a number of products produced by the blending process of biodiesel with diesel
based on certain concentrations. Biodiesel is chemically formed by the process of transesterification and esterification
triglycerides are converted into methyl esters with the help of H2SO4 and NaOH as a catalyst. The determination of
biosolar concentrations was based on the radiocarbon method on the specific sample activity measurements obtained
from the Hidex 300 SL Liquid Scintilation Counting (LSC). The result showed that the total carbon of the sample
solution was 6.0113 g / 8 mL while the specific activity value was 5.0700 DPM / gC so that the biosolar concentration
can be determined by measuring the standard and specific activity through linear regression equation of 8.83%. Thus the
method of measuring the carbon-14 activity can be used to verify the biosolar concentrations produced by pertamina.

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