Rusdi Nur, SIrajuddin Omsa, Fatmawati Fatmawati


The implementation of the Community Partnership Program (PKM) will involve the Mekar Sari fish floss business group
located in Mekar Indah Village, Kec. Buki, Selayar Islands Regency, South Sulawesi Province. The main problems
experienced by this business group are the low quantity and quality of production, low sales turnover, and the difficulty
of accessing capital assistance both from banks and from state-owned enterprise funding in the form of Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR). In overcoming these problems, this community service activity is carried out which aims to
improve aspects of business management, particularly in the aspects of marketing, production, and finance. In the aspect
of production, the solution offered by the PKM team is to increase production capacity by procuring a cooling machine
that will replace the damaged refrigeration engine. In the marketing aspect, the low sales turnover will be increased by
improving product quality so that healthy products are produced. In this regard, assistance will be conducted to extend
the halal certificate from LPOM-MUI. Other marketing aspects that will be addressed are increasing the size variants and
increasing the quality of packaging so that the products produced are safer and more attractive, so that the interest of
consumers or customers to buy or consume partner products will increase in the future. In the aspect of capital
accessibility, partners will be trained and assisted in preparing financial reports and compiling investment plans in order
to meet one of the requirements to obtain funding assistance from BUMN CSR programs. Partner products can be
marketed in various places and specifically become souvenirs with a brand of processed fishery products from the
Selayar Islands. This PKM program targets the creation of productive and participatory small scale fish processing
enterprises based on local resources and wisdom. The output will produce healthy shredded fish products (MOH-PIRT
permit) and halal (LPOM MUI certificate), with attractive and safe packaging, as well as management of modern and
professional shredded fish management business. Based on the output targets above, it is expected to have an impact on
increasing the quantity and quality of production, sales turnover, and increasing business profits managed by partners.

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