Muhammad Arsyad, Arthur Halik Razak, Hasyim Hasyim, Hasil Hasil


This dedication activity aims to improve the knowledge and skills of welders in conducting welding activities
based on welding safety and health (WSH) standards. This activity consists of two stages, namely preparation, and
implementation of activities. Preparatory activities include (1) procurement of materials and equipment for electric
welding, gas welding, and WSH equipment (2) making welding guides for electric welding, and gas. The implementation
of activities includes (1) counseling and training of electric welding, and gas welding in accordance with WSH, (2)
handover of assistance in the form of electric welding equipment, gas welding, and WSH. The results obtained after this
activity were carried out, namely (1) increased partner knowledge and skills about the correct welding methods of
electric welding, and gas welding, (2) partner welding equipment improved both electric welding equipment, gas welding
and WSH equipment. This activity has also been published in electronic and print media, such as the Tribun Timur.
Online, and the Tribun Timur Newspaper.

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